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Welcome to Autumn, or if you’re in the southern hemisphere visiting our site for whatever reason, happy Spring! The Fall Equinox goes by so many names in the pagan and witch communities: autumnal equinox, Harvest Home, Mabon, Meán Fómhair, Alban Elfed, etc.
Some are less well known than others, but where did they come from? Why Mabon? And what do the others mean? Are any of them less or more valid than the others?
The History of Mabon
The term Mabon came about in the 1970s by Aidan Kelly, who wanted to find a Celtic equivalent of Persephone to express the holiday. Mabon is a Welsh god abducted from his mother, is associated with youthfulness, and imprisoned. He felt this resembled Kore’s story enough to work.
While some still use this term while others have abandoned it in favor of others. One of the reasons some people left the name behind is the fact that Mabon really isn’t remotely associated with the autumn and hence it doesn’t feel appropriate to them. I personally don’t see the association with Kore/Persephone at all. I’m heavily involved with the Greek gods myself. There’s a lot of academic research available into the religious ideas and practices of ancient Greece and its neighbors, none of it showing any strong resemblance between the two deities.
I feel that Kelly’s take lacked the nuances into her story and the traditions surrounding her, and tackled it from a very superficial standpoint. Since there are terrible takes on witchtok and elsewhere about Persephone’s story and her relationship to Hades, I’m not surprised. But the frustration I feel on this subject and those related to Greek religions (yes, plural) and its inherent lack of centrality and universality of their myths continues. However, that’s a whole other blog post.
Does A Name’s History Matter?
History, yes. History should be taught, and taught honestly. I’m a huge fan of teaching wherever things came from and being very transparent and open about that.
But I don’t believe in the idea that “older is better” nor do I feel that any tradition must be ancient and unbroken for it to have any value or legitimacy. Are there modern traditions that have grown around the god Mabon around this time? Most certainly. Should we stop practicing traditions because they’re not ancient or whatever? Hardly. Traditional Wicca itself is not ancient and has only really been around since the 1940s or so. The Blue Star Wiccan tradition itself came about in the 1970s. We have members of this tradition who are in fact older than the tradition itself!
What If A History Is Problematic?
One thing which people must absorb is this: all histories are problematic and have had problematic leaders. That’s the reality of human history.
Instead of abandoning everything, people should teach that history instead of shoving it under the rug and explain where we departed from things because of that history. And also people should address what they changed in their process and why in order to address that very history. It’s one of the many reasons why we put up statements on this site about past initiates in regards to having appropriate boundaries in regards to abuses of power.
So What Should I Call It Mabon Or Not?
Whatever you like! Whether or not the fall equinox is Mabon, Harvest Home, or simply the Fall Equinox is entirely up to you. Your traditions may vary, too. Out of everything in traditional Wicca including its history and origins, this isn’t a hill I personally choose to die on. But others may feel differently. Just whatever you do, be honest about open about where it came from. That’s all.
Either way, have a wonderful holiday and the best of pagan/Wiccan/witch/etc. celebrations to you no matter what your background, tradition(s), or lack thereof! And enjoy (if you do) your pumpkin spice lattes.
-Raven, HPx